Co-edited Book
Bradley, J. P. N., Grinberg, S., & Iwase, M. (accepted). The philosophy of video pedagogy: On critical postmedia videolanguaging. Brill.
Refereed Journal Articles
Iwase, M. (under review). “What is genuinely new never gets old”: Production of a shock to thought and vibrations to the cortex of sensory-motor subjects. The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory (for a special topic on Time machines, quantum temporal deformations and escaping linear chronology across media arts). A practice-based study accompanied by an experimental video.
Iwase, M. (2024). Pushing the limits of participatory video: Exploring transgressive voices through researcher-participant minor video-making as a non-representational practice. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy (for a special topic on Postmedia and the Pedagogy of Videolanguaging), 8(1), 1-25.
Bradley, J. P. N., & Fitzpatrick, N. (2024). (In Japanese). Bernard Stiegler, Technology, and Digital Studies: An interview with Noel Fitzpatrick. (M. Iwase, Trans.). Teikyo Journal of Foreign Language Studies, 3, 177-194.
Iwase, M., & Bradley, J. P. N. (2021). Towards a noncompliant pedagogy of the image: Reading negentropic bifurcatory potentials in video images. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 6(1), 1-27.
Iwase, M. (2021). (in Japanese). Rethinking the ‘critical’ in learning contexts of media literacy: Through media production with ‘minority’ youth. The Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 3(1), 134-148.
Refereed Book Chapters
Iwase, M. (2024). Challenging the clichéd images of migrant youth in Japan: A Deleuzian account of cinema time and education. In D. R. Cole, M. Mirzaeirafe, & G. Y. A. Yang-Heim (Eds.), Educational research and the question(s) of time (pp. 317-341). Springer.
Iwase, M. (2023). Minor video and becoming-Japanese: Towards migrant adolescent molecular revolution. In J. P. N. Bradley, A. T-G. Lee, & M. N. Y (Eds.), Deleuze, Guattari and the schizoanalysis of postmedia (pp. 197-217). Bloomsbury Publishing.